Steven Curtis Chapman - You Know Better Lyrics

You Know Better Lyrics

I saw you staring out your window
Watchin' the people passing by
Taking some notes on what you saw out there
So you would know how hard you need to try
I heard you asking lots of questions
How in comparison you stand
Please let me warn you to be very careful
God wants our best and not our better than

But you know better, better than that
You know better than, better than that
You should know better, truth is the only measure
You know better than, better than that

Now just in case I've got you thinkin'
And if you're feeling like I do
Maybe it's time we open up the Holy Bible
And see exactly what He's called us to
He said the least would be the greatest
The greatest is the one who serves
We must be living by a different standard
A life that isn't graded on a curve


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You Know Better Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"You Know Better" is a powerful Christian song by Steven Curtis Chapman that challenges listeners to examine their lives and align their actions with God's standards. With thought-provoking lyrics and a catchy melody, this song serves as a reminder that God desires our best, not just what we consider to be "better than" others.

I. The Meaning of "You Know Better":

1.1. Understanding the Lyrics:

The lyrics of "You Know Better" convey the idea that we often compare ourselves to others and strive to be "better than" them. However, the song reminds us that God calls us to a higher standard – to give our best in everything we do, rather than simply comparing ourselves to others.

By acknowledging that God knows better, we are encouraged to live according to His principles, seeking to serve others and fulfill His purposes. The song challenges us to examine our motives, actions, and the values by which we measure our success.

1.2. Challenging the Comparison Game:

In our society, it is easy to fall into the trap of constantly comparing ourselves to others. Social media platforms often exacerbate this tendency, as we see carefully curated highlights of other people's lives. However, "You Know Better" reminds us that God's standard is not based on comparison or competition. Instead, He calls us to live in obedience to His Word and seek His approval above all else.

II. The Inspiration and Story Behind "You Know Better":

Steven Curtis Chapman is a renowned Christian artist known for his heartfelt and thought-provoking songs. While the specific inspiration behind "You Know Better" has not been publicly shared, it is evident that the song draws from the universal struggle of comparison and the desire for validation.

Chapman's lyrics encourage listeners to break free from the comparison game and align their lives with God's standards. The song serves as a reminder that we are not defined by our accomplishments, popularity, or possessions, but rather by our relationship with God and the way we serve others.

III. Bible Verses that Relate to "You Know Better":

3.1. Matthew 20:16 (ESV):

"So the last will be first, and the first last."

This verse reminds us that God's ways are different from our own. We may place a high value on worldly success and recognition, but God's standard is based on humility, servanthood, and selflessness. "You Know Better" encourages us to realign our priorities and seek to serve others rather than striving to be first.

3.2. Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV):

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."

These verses highlight the importance of selflessness and valuing others above ourselves. "You Know Better" challenges us to examine our motives and ensure that our actions are driven by love and a genuine desire to serve, rather than seeking personal gain or validation.

3.3. Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV):

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

These verses remind us that our ultimate purpose in life is to serve God and bring Him glory through our actions. "You Know Better" echoes this sentiment by urging us to give our best in everything we do, recognizing that our true reward comes from the Lord.

IV. Conclusion:

"You Know Better" by Steven Curtis Chapman is a powerful song that challenges listeners to align their lives with God's standards rather than comparing themselves to others. By emphasizing the importance of selflessness, servanthood, and seeking God's approval, this song serves as a reminder of the true measure of success in the eyes of God.

As we navigate a world that encourages comparison and competition, "You Know Better" encourages us to focus on our relationship with God and seek to serve others. By doing so, we can find fulfillment and purpose, knowing that our ultimate reward comes from Him.

So let us be inspired by the lyrics of "You Know Better" and strive to live according to God's standards, giving our best in all that we do. May this song serve as a reminder to constantly evaluate our motives and actions, always seeking to serve and honor the One who knows better. You Know Better Lyrics -  Steven Curtis Chapman

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